Vegetation ECOLOGY

Our team here at Silverberry has been conducting field vegetation surveys since 1995! Our team of technical experts lead the way when it comes to Native Plants in the North.

Our vegetation ecologists and plant taxonomists have completed thousands of vegetation data collection programs in Western Canada.


silverberry GUARANTEEs

We guarantee the highest quality expertise in strategically planning and successfully implementing vegetation fieldwork in any location. We embrace the logistical and technical challenges involved in working in remote locations under adverse conditions. We know the North and its plant communities and we are here to support your organization when you need Vegetation Experts. 

Field Services

Rare Plant and Rare Ecological  Community Surveys

Development and Delivery of Vegetation Monitoring Programs

Spot Vegetation ID

Vegetation Field Training Courses

Vascular Plant Identification

Terrestrial Ecosystem Classification in both Alberta and BC

Vegetation Community Mapping

Vegetation Inventories